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    Fingerprint 3D Comparator: Scientific Visualization in Criminal Biometrics and Forensics


ScienceGL offers new 3D visualization solutions and tools for Automated Fingerprint and Palmprint Identification System (AFIS).
The software provides both fingerprint image enhancement and multiple image matching. High accuracy in fingerprint matching can be achieved by direct comparison of the images in 3D photorealistic mode. The software can process flat touch images, fill roll prints and advanced 3D scanned fingerprints. Designed for detailed forensic print biometrics, Fingerprint 3D comparator significantly improves difficult cases identification. The 3D comparator combines virtual reality visual perception with scientific grade precision in quantitative interactive reports. The software is a unique combination of traditional 2D and advanced 3D fingerprint enhancement algorithms. Our sowtware is most useful in the area of the forensic latent fingerprint examination.

Click images below to enlarge.

  3D visualization of multiple prints with interactive markers and intersection reports. Side by side or overlay modes. Multiple markers for minutiae and porous analysis with read out are presented. Fingerprint image enhancement with 3D shadow, color and RGBA palette. Matching movement of the images with mouse operation. True 3D axis mouse pan, rotate and zoom operation. Mask and semitransparency for exact fingerprint matching with most natural for human eye perception. Height zoom for best 3D print comparison. Multiple latent and reference fingerprints in flat 2D and 3D modes in the same screen. Rotation, all directional zoom and movement with simple mouse operation in 3D.    








The software is available as turnkey visualization program or/and integration SDK for AFIS complete solution providers.
SDK Specifications, PDF
3D Fingerprint info
3D Fingerprint Comparator Tutor, PDF



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, Inc.